My name is Martha Macedonia Canul Chan.
I'm 28 years old.
I'm the younger daughter of Macaria.
I was born in Punta Laguna after my family moved here because of my father's work in the jungle.
This little village started as a campsite for the Chicle workers. Only man where allowed to leave their homes and come into the jungle.
Usually, after primary school we will finishing our studies and stay at home to help our mother in any sort of activity for the house, harvesting food, cooking, and some of us learned the embroidery work. This activity has been the most thought through generations from grandmothers to mother and daughters. Only women learn this job. I was very interested since young age so my mother took the time to tach me all about it an when we started a family business in our house for a local supplies shop and I had the money to buy my own sewing machine I did. I also learned the "Punto de Cruz" (counted embroidery) tecnic.
At the moment I'm the organizator and curator un our family and community for our very successful work with Laguna Collective.